We now have some clarification from Softball BC as to the next steps we are allowed to take. Things are moving in the right direction!
We have now moved to Inning 2 of Return to Play. However, there are some amendments to the Return to Play guidelines and protocols.
Inning 2 means we can play teams within our own association. So for our age groups that have multiple teams, we can schedule and play games! Unfortunately, at this point we are still not allowed spectators. We are anticipating that spectators will be allowed on June 15th. Standby for approval. For now, each team may have in attendance of games: all coaches listed on their rosters, a screener/attendance tracker, a distance monitor, a sanitize champion and an injury attendant. Managers are encouraged to have a sign up for each of the 4 non-coaching positions for each game.
Masks are not required on the field of play for players or coaches. Coaches must remain 2m from others or wear a mask. When off the field of play and not able to distance 2m masks are encouraged.
Umpires if positioned behind the plate shall wear a mask. If the Umpire chooses to call the games from behind the pitcher’s mound then he/she is not required to wear a mask. Speaking of umpires. We are desperately short. If you would like to be guaranteed to see your child play, become an ump. An online course will get you going and certified. For more information contact our Umpire Coordinator, Sean Beatty at umpires@sookefastball.ca.
There are expectations that some of these restrictions will be relaxed in the not too distant future. We will update you as soon as we are notified.
Justin Wilson
Sooke Minor Fastball Association