Grants and Bursaries
Finn Kennedy Bursary - $150
General: The bursary will be awarded to a male** player registered in the Sooke Minor Fastball Association (SMFA) who best demonstrates the qualifications outlined hereunder. SMFA recognizes members who develop their academic career aspirations while fostering their interest in fastball.
** - Female players may also apply.
Eligibility: All bursary applicants shall be registered with the SMFA and in their graduating year of high school.
Qualifications: sportmanship, community involvement, achievement within the sport of fastball
How to Apply: Bursary applications can be obtained here or through the counselling department at Edward Milne Community School (EMCS). Completed applications can be sent to
Deadline: May 15
Selection: The successful applicant will be awarded the bursary during the EMCS Awards Night. Alternatively, if the recipient is unable to attend the EMCS Awards, the bursary will be dispensed at the SMFA Closing Ceremonies.
Bertha Hanna Bursary - $150
General: The bursary will be awarded to a female player registered with the Sooke Minor Fastball Association (SMFA) who best demonstrates the qualifications outlined hereunder. SMFA recognizes members who develop their academic career aspirations while fostering their interest in fastball.
Eligibility: All bursary applicants shall be registered with the SMFA and in their graduating year of high school.
Qualifications: sportmanship, community involvement, achievement within the sport of fastball
How to Apply: Bursary applications can be obtained here or through the counselling department at Edward Milne Community School (EMCS). Completed applications can be sent to
Deadline: May 15
Selection: The successful applicant will be awarded the bursary during the EMCS Awards Night. Alternatively, if the recipient is unable to attend the EMCS Awards, the bursary will be dispensed at the SMFA Closing Ceremonies.
Norman Essery Minor Fastball Grant
General: Registration fees will be reimbursed.
How to Apply: Email
Applicants should tell us how they became involved in the sport and what fastball means to you. Players facing financial hardship are also welcome to apply. Only successful applicants will be contacted.
Deadline: March 30
Successful applicants are expected to send a letter of thanks to the Essery family as acceptance and prior to reimbursement.