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Frequently Asked Questions

Sooke Minor Fastball – FAQs

Q: When does the season run?

A: Our season generally starts in the beginning of April and runs until June, with Districts and Provincials being scheduled for teams that qualify at the U11-U19 levels, into July.

Q: When are practice nights?

A: Practice nights depend on the coach. AS we have many teams at many levels and our coaches being volunteers – we try to accommodate what works for them. That being said, we will do our best to try and have it on a night that works for your family.

Q: When are games? 

A: Games are scheduled with all the associations in late March, so it can vary from U13-to U19 based on coach’s availability. Generally, U11 is Tuesday night and Saturdays (at various fastball associations around Vancouver Island). LTP and Mini Mite (U7 and U9) are on Sundays and they are played at Art Morris park.

Q: What is the cost? 

A: Costs vary by division and our levels and rates on the main page under: Divisions and fees.

Q: Can my child be on the same team as their friends? 

A: We do our very best to accommodate kids playing with their peers – sometimes its not always the case, but we really do try (please make sure to note who they would like to paly with in the comments on the registration form).

Q: Why is there no boy’s fastball? 

A: Sooke is the only association left on Vancouver Island that has boy’s fastball. As this is more predominant on the mainland we have had fewer and fewer teams to play. Over the years we have seen more and more boys move to baseball (or hardball as some call it) and this has made it very difficult to support boy’s fastball. There is a Sooke baseball team out of Triangle Athletic Association (www.trianglebaseball.ca) so they can still participate! We allow boys to register for fastball up to the U8 level but: please note it is Co-Ed and they will be playing with girls in the in-house league.


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